
Friday, 8 August 2014

Communicating with New Communication Technologies

Like most people, I have a strong relationship with my mobile phone, but rather than social media, I prefer to use the technology in messaging, email and phone calls to communicate. I actually severed my ties to social media a few years ago now and haven’t looked back. My life feels no better or worse. To be honest it is probably better because it is one less thing I have to worry about. Going ‘cold turkey’ on social media is a trend I have come to see more frequently among users, although new product trends can have a mighty polarizing effect on people. I do see the benefits from using those platforms, but for my purposes I couldn't be bothered finding what I need through all the noise. I am, however, an advocate for the cloud technology and its applications. I love using both Microsoft 365 products and Google Drive. I believe the best and most productive use for communication technology is for organizational benefit. Having the ability to communicate and collaborate with team members at any time and place can be very beneficial for productivity and efficiency.

Privacy and security in the technology context is an issue that I see as a continuously growing concern. The integration of technology in so many areas of our lives arguably creates higher risk for criminal activity and misconduct for both the individual and the State. Governments and policy-makers frequently encounter new threats that are not restricted by borders, which need to be prepared for with adaptable frameworks and infrastructure (Gürkaynak, Yilmaz & Taskiran, 2014). Simple measures such as learning how to develop a more complex password are worthwhile ventures. When people are trying to develop skills in a specific field or have aspirations for certain achievements, it is best to observe those people who have already accomplished what you are trying to achieve. In the case of privacy and security, we can observe programmers and cyber security experts. Many of these people are telling us to be careful and to mitigate our risk exposure.

Currently a big topic is the collection of data, and in Australia, meta data in particular. New security legislation on privacy has been drafted to give ASIO (Australian Security and Intelligence Organisation) more information for counter-terrorism measures. I personally do not have an issue with my basic data being collected as long as that data is being stored correctly and in the safest environment possible. Companies like Google give me peace of mind about the direction of data collection and storage. However, people need to be aware of the risks out there and not open their devices and infrastructure to avoidable risk. It is worthwhile doing background checks on companies who you might own or download products from and how they manage their data. 

Another interesting topic is the building of relationships over digital mediums which never constitute actually meeting that person face-to-face. The best example of this is an acquaintance of mine, Ray. He lives in the Philippines and we met through an online design website where I requested his design skills for some t-shirts I was doing. We have communicated various times and I have used his skills for various company logos, business cards, etc. We have never spoken to each other or met face to face, but have communicated purely through the internet. It is this technology use that makes the world a smaller place and provides people with the resources they need, and a choice of who will provide those resources.

Gurkaynak, G, Yilmaz, I & Taskiran, MP 2014, 'Protecting the communication: data protection and security measures under telecommunications regulations in the digital age', Computer Law & Security Report, vol. 30, no. 2, pp. 179-190. viewed 12 August 2014, <>.

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